Wilhelm Die The Seven chart

- Exams -




28. 9. 2023 KPZ Kožušany, I. cena

17.-18.9.2023 Pohár Moravy, KPZ I. cena, CACT, vítěz zkoušek, CCT, KZVP II. cena

2.- 3.9.2023 ZČ Derby Kyselka, KPZ II. prize, KZVP II. price

27.8.2023 KPZ Blansko, III. price

23.7.2023 KZVP Jiříkovice, III. price

8.-9.7.2023 Jhm derby Nové Syrovice KPZ 217st prize 161 points, KZVP XNUMXst prize XNUMX points

13.5.2023 KPZ KCHLS Kyselka, III. price, 185 points





 On 9.10.2022/10/XNUMX, Dexter passed the dog exam at the age of XNUMX months with full points, as the winner of the tests :)